What Is Physical Therapy

We provide our patients with individualized and comprehensive physical therapy and rehabilitation programs. Our holistic approach encompasses non-surgical treatments that relieve pain, promote healing and prevent future injury, combined with patient education in physical therapy techniques, and rehabilitation. This comprehensive treatment strategy aims to quicken results, shorten recovery time, and prevent re-injury.Our expert therapists work one-on-one with each patient to ensure that their treatment goals are met. Therapy programs are continually reassessed to monitor changes and improvements in a patient’s condition.Contact us any suitable way and make an appointment with the doctor whose help you need! Visit us at the scheduled time.Physical Therapy is a healthcare specialty focused on evaluating and treating physical dysfunctions in the body. Using a combination of manual techniques, exercises, and sometimes specialized equipment, physical therapists aim to improve movement, relieve pain, and restore function. It is often recommended for individuals who have had injuries, surgeries, or chronic conditions affecting their mobility or quality of life.We provide our patients with individualized and comprehensive physical therapy and rehabilitation programs. Our holistic approach encompasses non-surgical treatments that relieve pain, promote healing and prevent future injury, combined with patient education in physical therapy techniques, and rehabilitation.Our comprehensive treatment strategy aims to quicken results, shorten recovery time, and prevent aucphysicaltherapy.A standard physical therapy session typically lasts between 45 minutes to an hour. The duration may vary based on the complexity of your condition and the specific treatments required. Your physical therapist will guide you through various exercises and may use manual techniques to improve your condition

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